“Imagine a learning environment where students’ needs are individually met; where personalized instruction is delivered because class sizes are manageable; where children feel valued, safe, supported and challenged.”
Caitlin Condie

We have spent the last year growing and developing a beautiful microschool in Los Angeles, CA, Ellemercito Academy, and are excited to share lessons that we’ve learned so far in this journey of microschooling!
The Superpower of a Blended-age Group

Our students are in 2nd, 5th, and 8th grade. The idea of multiple ages in one classroom would sound incredibly intimidating (read: frightening) to most teachers. However, if we explore the concept of the traditional one-room schoolhouse, there is a foundational understanding that blended-age groups have their own type of superpower as they represent a microcosm of society. The older students play an essential role in helping their younger classmates and the latter provide a mindset where it’s still acceptable to play, explore, and just be!
One of my greatest joys as a teacher is seeing the collaboration among all of our students as they enthusiastically work their way through an “escape room” or perform a readers’ theater together! They each bring their individual strengths and truly help one another become more intentional learners. One of our 2nd graders is an incredible speller, and he frequently challenges the 5th and 8th grade students in spelling bees. This motivation to spell is an internal one, but it definitely doesn’t hurt that his older classmates are cheering him on in his endeavor!
Immersive Experiences

Interdisciplinary projects, hands-on learning, and self direction all play a role in immersive learning. The idea is for students to take ownership of their learning processes and understand the significance of a real-world education. Curriculum is used; however, it is simply a starting point and the ongoing conversation taking place involves art, film, music, the experience of field trips, and much more! The goal is for students to be immersed as much as possible in the concept they are studying. For example, we have spent the year reading the children’s versions of Shakespeare’s plays. We have learned about the Elizabethan Era, how to use a feather quill and pen, the mannerisms of the time, and attended a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the beautiful Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga Canyon. Students participated in acting workshops throughout the day. They returned to school and created resin art inspired by the play and made their own wax stamps. They not only listened to the great works of literature, they became a part of it!
Personalized Learning

We all know that students learn at varying paces, have different learning styles, and require individualized attention to reach their highest potential. It is no surprise that our students’ learning styles and multiple intelligences range from kinesthetic to musical and everything in between. A one-size-fits-all approach to education is therefore not the solution. Instead of a standardized model, we use a personalized one. Differentiated instruction is not only an abstract theory used with students who have specific learning needs or ELL students but used frequently and intentionally so that each student receives an individualized education. For example, gamifying concepts has proven to be one of the most efficient ways to assist our students’ learning. It fosters a healthy sense of competition, enjoyment, and challenges students to access new ideas in a way that are more approachable. We recently had students explore the Great Pyramids and the Grand Canyon through the Oculus, a VR experience that sets the scene for almost any place that you would love to visit!
Overall, this first full year at Ellemercito Academy has proven to be an adventure of a lifetime! I can’t wait to create more memories as a micoschool and know that prioritizing our students’ needs means taking the time to listen to their interests and individual experiences. They are the co-creators of their education, and I couldn’t be prouder of how far they’ve already come!